Welcome to PRRA

Save the date! Restaurant Night at Michael’s Riverside

Come support the team on Tuesday, April 29th by enjoying an Italian dinner at Michael’s Riverside, just up the street from the boathouse! Dine-in or take-out, each ticket allows access to the buffet beginning at 5:30 PM, with a portion of the proceeds donated to support PRRA’s goals for the spring season.

Registration is now open for all 2025 programs and memberships!

Learn-to-Rows: Curious about rowing and want to give it a shot before jumping into a membership? Check out our Learn-to-Rows scheduled throughout the year. Learn more here!

Youth: Our Youth programs are open! Review and sign up here.

Masters: We have a variety of options for Masters rowing, from beginners to veteran rowers. Check out our programs here.

Questions about any of our memberships? Email programs@prra.org.

Welcome to the Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA).  We are a community-based, not-for-profit rowing club located in Lyndhurst, New Jersey.  PRRA is proud to offer rowing to all ages and skill levels.  Our various programs offer access for youth up through adults and from beginners up through competitive rowers.  Check out our programs pages to find out what area of Passaic River Rowing Association you can call home.