
The Passaic River Rowing Association Council regularly meets to discuss relevant matters in order to accommodate the PRRA members and rowing community. From policies to expansion to social events, the PRRA Council has its members’ best interests in mind.
Meetings are open to guests and are held on Wednesdays on Zoom at 5:30am.  Check the calendar for the next upcoming meeting.

Council Chairs
President Jeffrey Gingold Email:
Vice President Brian Intindola Email:
Secretary Katie Rodgers Email: 
Treasurer Jose Antunes Email:

Listed below are the committees that assist in the smooth operations of the Passaic River Rowing Association. We encourage all members to participate in one or more of the following committees. Please email the respective committee chair to volunteer on that committee and be added to the corresponding GroupMe.

Committee Chairs
Facilities Jose Antunes Email:
Membership & Internal Affairs Kelly Pizzone Email:
Programs and Safety Ellen Garven Email: 
Public Relations Katie Rodgers Email: 
Equipment Talia Piretra Email:
Revenue Brian Intindola Email: